Ouachita County -- History Articles

1. "Historic Camden," by J. E. Gaughan in Arkansas Historical Quarterly 20 (Autumn 1961): 245-55.
A short, general account of the city's history in the 19th century.
2. "Journal of Trip from Camden to Texas, 1849," by Orville Taylor in Arkansas Historical Quarterly 10 (Autumn 1951): 285-94.
Diary of Robert F. Kellam of Camden who with a friend traveled to Rusk County, Texas, to visit family. Interesting details of life in the region before the Civil War.
3. "The Year 1856 As Viewed by an Arkansas Whig," by Horace Adams in Arkansas Historical Quarterly 1(March-December 1942): 124-33.
A narrative using excerpts from the diary of John William Brown of Camden, emphasizing the apparent lack of impact of stirring national events, such as the Brooks-Sumner Affairs and the Sack of Lawrence, on the life of a small southern city.
4. "An Arkansas Alderman, 1857," by Horace Adams in Arkansas Historical Quarterly 11(Summer 1952): 79-101.
Continuation of the narrative of the life of John William Brown of Camden based on his diary. The title is slightly misleading, for although Brown had been elected an alderman of the city, his diary tells almost nothing of this work. Rather its focus is upon Camden's businesses' economic problems related to the panic of 1857 and to family problems related to illness.
5. Camden Expedition
Eleven articles from the Arkansas Historical Quarterly deal with the Union force's advance into southern Arkansas in 1864 during the Civil War, its occupation of Camden, and its retreat back to Little Rock.
