Chapter 6

Modified: 2021-12-28

Notice the comparative analysis on p. 187. "A pine needle fell. The eagle saw it. The deer heard it. The bear smelled it." Notice the senses humans do not possess: magnetic detection, sonar detection, and electrical detection.

Module 6.1 Audition (p. 188)

Sound and the Ear

Physics and Psychology of Sound

Sound's Physical Characteristics (p. 188)

Structures of the Ear—The Outer Ear

Structures of the Ear—The Middle Ear to the Inner Ear

Structures of the Ear—The Inner Ear

Structures of the Ear (p. 189)

Electron Micrographs of the Hair Cells of Humans (p. 190)

This artificially colored electron micrograph shows stereocilia (the crescent-shaped structures across the center of the photo) atop hair cells. As a sound wave moves the fluid across the stereocilia, it bends them, triggering responses by the hair cells.

Pitch Perception

The Volley Principle

Pitch Perception Illustration (p. 191)

High-frequency sounds excite hair cells near the base. Low frequency sounds excite cells near the apex. A flag in high and light winds makes a good analog.

The Auditory Cortex

Organization of the Auditory Cortex

Path of Auditory Impulses (p. 192)

The cochlear nucleus receives input from the ipsilateral ear only (the one on the same side of the head). All later stages have input from both ears, but more strongly from the contralateral ear.

Functions of the Auditory Cortex

The Human Primary Auditory Cortex (p. 193)

Cells in each area respond mainly to tones of a particular frequency.

Additional Auditory Areas

Sound Localization

Three Mechanisms of Sound Localization

Loudness and Arrival Times as Cues for Sound Localization (p. 194)

Sounds reaching the closer ear arrive sooner as well as louder because the head produces a “sound shadow.”

Sound Waves in Phase or Out of Phase (p. 194)

Sound waves that reach the two ears in phase are perceived as coming from directly in front of (or behind) the hearer. The more out of phase the waves, the farther the sound source is from the body’s midline.

Phase Differences as a Cue for Sound Localization (p. 195)

A sound coming from anywhere other than straight ahead or straight behind reaches the two ears at different phases of the sound wave. The difference in phase is a signal to the sound’s direction. With high-frequency sounds, the phases become ambiguous.

Individual Differences

Variations in Sensitivity to Pitch

Hearing Loss

Conductive/Middle Ear Deafness

Nerve or Inner-Ear Deafness

Can be inherited or caused by prenatal problems or early childhood disorders


Hearing, Attention, and Old Age

Audition (more)

Module 6.2 The Mechanical Senses (p. 199)

Vestibular Sensation

Structures for Vestibular Sensation (p. 200)



Somatosensory Receptors

Sensory Receptors in the Skin (p. 201)

Somatosensory Receptors and Probable Functions (p. 200)



Responds to

Free nerve Ending

Any skin area

Pain and temperature

Hair-follicle receptors

Hair-covered skin

Movement of hairs

Meissner’s corpuscles

Hairless areas

Movement across the


Pacinian corpuscles

Any skin area

Vibration or sudden


Merkel’s disks

Any skin area

Static touch

Ruffini endings

Any skin area

Skin stretch

Krause and bulbs

Mostly hairless areas



The Pacinian Corpuscle

A Pacinian Corpuscle (p. 201)

Pacinian corpuscles are receptors that respond best to sudden displacement of the skin or to high-frequency vibrations. The onion-like outer structure provides a mechanical support to the neuron inside it so that a sudden stimulus can bend it but a sustained stimulus cannot.

Merkel Disks

Receptors for Temperature


Somatosensation in the Central Nervous System (CNS)

The Human Central Nervous System (p. 204)

Spinal nerves from each segment of the spinal cord exit through the correspondingly numbered opening between vertebrae.

Somatosensation in the Spinal Cord

Dermatomes Innervated by 31 Sensory Spinal Nerves (p. 202)

Areas I, II, and III of the face are not innervated by the spinal nerves but instead by three branches of the fifth cranial nerve. Although this figure shows distinct borders, the dermatomes actually overlap one another by about one-third to one-half of their width.

The Somatosensory Cortex


Spinal Pathways for Touch and Pain (p. 204)

Pain information crosses to the contralateral side of the spinal cord at once, whereas touch information does not cross until the medulla. Touch and pain sensations from the right side of the body (not shown in the figure) are the mirror image of what you see here.

Emotional Pain

Pain Messages in the Human Brain (p. 204)

A pathway to the thalamus, and from there to the somatosensory cortex, conveys the sensory aspects of pain. A separate pathway to the hypothalamus, amygdala, and cingulate cortex produces the emotional aspects.

Relieving Pain

Gate Theory

Synapses for Pain and Its Inhibition (p. 206)

A neuron releases endorphins at presynaptic synapses, thereby inhibiting a cell conveying pain sensations.

Ways of Relieving Pain—The Periaqueductal Gray Area (p. 206)

Periaqueductal means “around the aqueduct,” a passageway of cerebrospinal fluid between the third and fourth ventricles.

More Ways of Relieving Pain

Sensitization of Pain


Skin Senses:

Some consider the skin as the largest organ of the body. Detectors in the skin sense: touch, hot, cold, and pain.

Module 6.3 The Chemical Senses (p. 211)


Taste and Smell

Taste Receptors

Papillae and Taste Buds

The Organs of Taste (p. 212)

(a) The tip, back, and sides of the tongue are covered with taste buds. Taste buds are located in papillae. (b) Photo showing cross-section of a taste bud. Each taste bud contains about 50 receptor cells.

Taste Perception—Taste Receptors

Adaptation and Cross-Adaptation

Taste Perception—Umami and “Oleogustus”

Responses to Four Tastes (p. 213)

Each taste was presented for 5 seconds, marked by the Stimulus line at the bottom. Responses persisted until the tongue was washed with water, at the point marked by the arrow. The four lines represent S 5 sucrose (sweet), N 5 NaCl, table salt (salty), H 5 HCl, hydrochloric acid (sour), and Q 5 quinine (bitter).

Mechanisms of Taste Receptors

Bitter Receptors

Taste Coding in the Brain

Major Routes of Impulses Related to Taste (p. 215)

The thalamus and cerebral cortex receive impulses from both the left and the right sides of the tongue.

Variations in Taste Sensitivity

Variations in Taste Sensitivity (% non-tasters) (p. 216)

Fungiform Papillae in Taste Sensitivity (p. 215)

People with a greater density of papillae (top) are supertasters, with strong reactions to intense tastes. People with fewer papillae are tasters or nontasters (bottom).

Are You a Supertaster, Taster, or Nontaster? (p. 215)


Loss of an Olfaction Receptor (p. 216)

Normal mice innately avoid the smell of cats, foxes, and other predators. This mouse lacked the relevant olfactory receptors. Fortunately for the mouse this cat had just eaten a large meal.

Scent Selection

Following a Scent Trail (p. 217)

Most people successfully followed a trail with only their nose to guide them.

Olfaction in Social Behavior

Olfactory Receptors

Olfactory Receptors (p. 218)

(a) Location of receptors in nasal cavity. (b) Close-up of olfactory cells.

Olfactory Receptors and Proteins

An Olfactory Receptor Protein (p. 219)

This protein resembles the synaptic receptor protein in Figure 2.17. It responds to a chemical outside the cell and triggers activity of a G protein inside the cell. Different olfactory receptors differ slightly in their structure. Each little circle in this diagram represents one amino acid of the protein. The light green circles represent amino acids that are the same in most of the olfactory receptor proteins. The dark green circles represent amino acids that vary.

Olfaction in the Brain

Olfactory Damage

Differences in Olfaction


The VNO and Pheromones

Chemical Senses (more)




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